Oslo, 2012
19min - SD File - Spanish
Subtitles: No English subtitles available
Bogotá, 2007: The president of the United States visit Bogota.
La Uribe, 1986: The La Uribe Agreement, signed between Las FARC and President Belisario Betancourt calls for a cease-fire
Girardot, 1997: I've learn how to jump-head-first and my mum is filming it.
Bogotá, 2006: I am going to film another students demonstration against Alvaro Uribe.
Oslo, 2012: …
Cinemateca de Univalle, Abril 2014
Derecho a Ver, Muestra itinerante de documentales de DD HH - Colombia, 2014
Revista Corónica, Agosto - 2013 [cine.revistacoronica.com/]
Teatro Matacandelas de Medellín - Diciembre, 2012
Cinemateca Distrital de Bogotá - Diciembre, 2012
Foco Juan Soto @ CGAI-Filmoteca de Galicia (A Coruña), December, 2017 - SPAIN